Summarise and plot sampling effort for epidermal traits
subsampling_summary(df, traits, thresholdvalue = 0.2, number.of.bins = 6)
A data.frame of the type output by subsample_epidermal_traits
Character vector of the traits to summarise.
Numeric. Desired threshold for sample variation. Defaults to 0.2.
Numeric. How many bins should be used to summarise samples? Recommended to use the same number of bins as values of k in subsample_epidermal_traits
A list of length 2: the first element (a list) contains the ggplot objects and the second (also a list) contains summarised data.
if (FALSE) {
#This example takes quite a while to run - see vignette for more details
sampled <- subsample_epidermal_traits(traits1.1, n.runs = 100,
k.cells = c(100,150,200,250,300,350,400),
scaling =globalSDs,
trait.subset = reliable_traits)
summ <- subsampling_summary(sampled,
traits=c("stomzone.area.median" ,