Measure epidermal traits from subsets of cells
n.runs = 100,
k.cells = c(50),
k.pavement = NULL,
k.stomata = NULL,
scaling = NULL,
trait.subset = NULL,
stom.val = 85,
subs.val = 170,
pave.val = 255,
verbose = TRUE
x List of the form output by extract_epidermal_traits()
(see documentation of that function for details).
Numeric. Number of times to sample each value of k.
Numeric. Stopping threshold for number of cells.
Numeric. Stopping threshold for number of cells.
Numeric. Stopping threshold for number of cells.
Numeric. Global standard deviation values to standardize the variation of each trait.
Character. Specific traits to measure. Defaults to NULL (all traits measured).
Numeric. Value of stomata (guard cells + pore). Defaults to 85.
Numeric. Value of subsidiary cells. Defaults to 170.
Numeric. Value of pavement cells. Defaults to 255
Logical. Show progress of sampling? Defaults to TRUE.
A data.frame with the differences in trait values (measured in standard deviations if scaling is supplied) between each sampled cell patch and the whole image.